“The Fastest Way To Stop Struggling & Start Living”

Get your weekly dose with me via podcast

Exercises, reflections, articles, interviews and conversations to help you live a transformed life.



➮In-Session Exercises

➮Homework Required

✔ Pre-marital Couples Coaching

✔ Couples Enhancement Coaching

✔ Problem-Initiated Couples Coaching


50-minute sessions

$220.00 US

Relationship assessments may be required based on type of coaching

Assessments & interpretation range from $149 to $649 depending on the needs of the couple.

Premarital Couples

Invest in your marriage BEFORE it starts.

Couples who work on their marriage before it starts reduce their chances of divorce by 31%.

Want to see the areas where you are strong as a couple and areas where you may need to connect on a more real or specific basis before you commit to forever after? Be faciliated through a series of life areas that will impact you both as individuals and as a couple so you know what to keep on the radar to make your marriage great.

12-week Premarital Coaching Program

Couples Enhancement

Sometimes it's fun to learn something new about one another through a facilitated conversation.

Would you like to take your relationship from good to great?

As a one-time session, series of sessions, or annual check-ups, Enhancement Sessions are a great way to get on and stay on the same page of growing and creating the life you want together.

Problem-Initiated Couples Coaching

Are you struggling as a couple?

Most committed couples wait an average of 7 years after a hurtful relationship-altering event to address it in counseling.

This is why, by the time a couple comes to counseling, there can be layers of resentment, defensiveness, sadness, and distance that feels impossible to recover from.

I'm open to working with couples who have some level of trust and some level of commitment to one another. From there, we can figure out the areas of hope and healing.

Communication & Relationship Material

● Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships

● Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts, by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott

● Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, by John Gottman

☐ Read Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships

Couples Counseling Package:

☐ Online Couples Assessment

☐ Relationship History Interview

☐ Individual Sessions Interviews
☐ Video Education Portal Access

☐ Homework Exercises

☐ "Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" Book

The nature of counseling couples is more directed than typical individual counseling sessions.

I use proven methods to understand the immediate and underlying issues in the relationship, it's survival opportunities, and build a treatment plan in colabration with the couple's goals.

Education will be provided around what healthy relationships look like as well as health communication. You will likely be challenged in your assumptions with the hope of bringing you two a more common ground around the actions and attitudes needed to align you as a couple.

Weekly sessions with both participants in attendance is expected with the exception of individual interviews per the counselor.

Two copies of the book The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman should be purchased for each individual.

The online Gottman Method Couple Assessment, and the
Gottman Method Education Portal can be purchased one time to include both participants. Please purchase the Couple Assessment & Education Portal here:

Within 48 hours of submitting payment, you will each receive an email with your individual link to create a login and complete the Couple Assessment.

Next step will be completing an individual counseling session with each person where we will complete The Gottman Method interview where we discuss perspective, family-of-origin, history, hopes, expectations, and commitment to the relationship.

Occationally there are additional assessments or materials that may be helpful to purchase throughout the therapy experience; however, those are optional and up for discussion if and when the time comes.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I do not anticipate any additional costs beyond this other than the typical weekly session expense.